Simple example of N-ary relationship to understand basics of Neo4j Graph Data Modeling
May 13: Formula 1, One Month Graph Challenge
Welcome word
In this series of small posts I do one simple graph daily. Domain model of graph somehow related to day’s history, some historical event, celebration or person. I do this challenge to learn Neo4j Data Modeling and Cypher. Every day. One month. Follow me. Maybe you will be inspired and next month would be yours One Month Graph Challenge. #OMGChallenge
Domain model
This day 69 years ago in Silverstone, England, the first race of the first Formula 1 championship took a place. And so far Formula 1 is one of the most spectacular events in the world. I remember my first childhood TV sessions when I watching Schumacher victories in Benetton team.
Today I want to analyse results of whole history of Formula 1 competition and find the best of the best pilots ever.
Let’s think a little bit about how to organize our graph. How to say that a particular pilot in a particular year won in a particular country? In the graph database language it is mean: you should to take a year node, take a country node, take a pilot node and connect them together — to get a winner node. So, winner is N-ary relationship node based on other 3 nodes. Here is the result schema:

Parse data results of Formula 1 from official website:
Winner is an aggregation root, it can includes all necessary information of these 3 nodes, so I put all three properties inside winner. Now I can say that pilot, country and year is kind of normalized nodes, while winner is kind of denormalized node. I can read only winner nodes to know everything around. Very useful for reading purposes.
One thing to add here. I got unexpected result from apoc.load.html with 2 projections. By documentation output must be a Map type with of this structure:
A: { name: <list of elements>, name2: <list of elements> }
But unfortunately, I got result of this structure:
B: [ { name: <list of elements> }, { name2: <list of elements> } ]
So, I wrote this 2 magic lines to transform A into B:
WITH collect(value) as data
WITH { pilots: data[0].pilot, places: data[1].place } as root

Now let’s find the best of the best. A person with the most victories in all history of Formula 1:

For sure, Michael Schumacher! I didn’t expect another answer. But as you can see Hamilton can do a history very soon. Write a query for this was very easy. And if you want to find the best pilots for each concrete races, it is also super simple:

Bad news: challenge appeared in the stuff, where I did not expect any problems. Good news: I got a trouble and I solve it. Level up.
Also good lesson is about a structure. N-ary relationship is a simple and powerful thing. Schema must fit you needs. Then analysis on this graph is really easy. Cheers!
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